Sleep Stats

How Much Sleep Is The Nation Really Getting?

Sleep may have become the official buzzword for 2019 and it seems we couldn’t open a newspaper last year without seeing the words ‘sleep crisis!’

 It’s becoming more apparent that us Brits struggle to have a sound sleep right through the night. So, how much sleep are we really getting as a nation?

On average, UK adults are getting a mere 6 hours and 19 minutes of uninterrupted sleep each night. Despite the fact that the NHS advises we should be aiming for a solid 6-9 hours.

So, why aren’t we sleeping? It might not surprise you to learn that noisy neighbours, loud music, barking dogs and road traffic are just some of the reasons you’re being kept up at night. But it’s not only your sleep environment that’s to blame.

Busy lives, hectic work schedules and stress are the primary reasons for not getting a full eight hours rest.

Not only that but technology, a lack of exercise and eating late are also among the reasons our nation is struggling to get the night of much needed rest we’ve always dreamed of.

A study by the Independent stated that one in ten of us will check or reply to work emails, with one fifth completing admin and more than one in 20 will finish other job-related duties when in bed.

Adults will spend 38 minutes a day thinking about or finishing jobs when they should be resting – this is the equivalent of nearly 20 hours a month!

Here at Sleepeezee we understand how important sleep is to the nation’s wellbeing and that not a lot (if anything at all) is being done to help.

So this year we are focusing more on health and wellbeing and helping you to have a great night’s sleep night after night!

To kick-start, this, have a look at some of our favourite blogs from last year which all detail how to improve your sleep health.

Our Top Tips For Getting To Sleep When It Gets Cold

Understanding How a Gel Foam Mattress Can Help You Sleep

Do You Want To Know How To Achieve The Perfect Sleep Environment?

Do I Need a New Mattress? And How Do I Find The Perfect One For Me?

Three Ways Sugar Plays Havoc With Your Sleep!

Reading these only takes a couple of minutes but could help us Brits get years (and years) of better quality sleep.

For more sleep tips and to keep up to date with all things Sleepeezee, like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter and Instagram.